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Angelic Assistance The Light Within, LLC Contact: Diana Saturna diana@thelightwithinllc.com Telephone #: (609)796-4229

When we are out of alignment with our Self then the rest of our life can manifest as chaotic, unpurposeful, fearful and feel disempowered to outside influences.  We start to feel less and less in control and using only lower emotions of anger, fear, frustration to gain control over the situation.  Your mind can feel scattered, chaotic and pulled in many directions.  We come from a place of disharmony and distrust.  

You will know when you are aligned when you are fully centered and living from the place of the Soul, Life allows the inner to reflect the external world with Peace, Harmony, Observance and filled with Purpose in each moment.  Detached and observed through any situation, a place of Balance.  

Cords: One culprit of causing disharmony would be cords.  A healthy physical cord is the umbilical cord to your mother.  At birth it detaches for you to find your own Power in this world.   When unhealthy cords are attached, then it pulls at your energetic system.  You feel pulled in different directions and drained.  For instance with cell phones, You don't see the person when talking to them on the phone wirelessly but you are still connected, exchanging energy though conversation.  Just like your phone, unless you hit the end button and cut if off, the pull on your energy body will remain.

Example: You have a loved one that you are constantly providing money and you get angry because it does not stop.  You want them to have enough, be stable and financially dependant.  You then resort to controlling them by saying that they need to manage their finances, what they should spend it on but you still provide them with money because your intention is in the right place to help.  Anger arises because they are taking your energy.  They will get angry too because they are not aware of the cord, or not knowing why they have to be dependant on you and need your energy. This cord needs to be cut and healed for you and the loved one.  Healing them ensures they are not pulling/ taking your energy or anyone else to maintain themselves financially.  As we heal our selves, we also heal others.  

Alignment of Self